They didn't start cooking right away, of course. In fact, creating stuff in the kitchen came later in life, mostly separately and with the twins' wives, kids and friends. Occasionally, Mark and Ace get together and mess up kitchens simultaneously. So some of the recipes that will eventually end up on this site are Ace's, some are Mark's, and some of them belong to both (as well as being shared with a supporting cast of others).
We'll add recipes to this weblog gradually, along with stories and ruminations regarding family, friends, experiences and life in general. Feel free to comment on them, download them, print them and cook them. To us, recipes are to be shared with others.
Wow! That's amazing. I had that for breakfast.
What an awesome start.
I can't believe you already put this together!!! What a great job & proud to say we're you're first followers!!!!
Can't wait to put the "slop" together!
Now there is more. WOW
Greetings from England! This fan loves the looks of the site!!!!!!
M.D. checking in with an update. We have surpassed 100 visits to the site and it's only a few weeks old. A few in Europe, one in Alaska, the rest from sea to shining sea. Keep those recipes comin', folks. If you're not sure whether or not I'm talkin' to you -- I am!
Hey!!! im so happy that i get to be apart of this!! i cant wait to make eggs benidect!! i love you all... but i love ace the most :) see you soon!
xoxo casia
Happy Birthday Sheri Nov 12th
Happy Birthday Saleen Nov 13th
The original idea girl for the cookbook by Ace. We have the talented twin brother, Mark creating the blog from everyone's recipes. What an awesome way to share, cook and love. Thank you everyone!! Sallie
Happy Birthday Cole Nov. 14th
Thank you all for including me in your family and this site. Such a wonderful way to share. I have enjoyed meeting some of you for the first time, and have grown to love this family like my own over the years. I wish you all a very merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year. Until we meet again, Cheers!!
I'm really glad I checked this page. Ace thanks for the great dinner.
I would have chosen it over Snake River Grill!
Stephen and Christy
It is fun to come here and browse. Great job.
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