Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lime Cilantro Salad Dressing

Here's a simple dressing Mark and Sheri' DuMond came up with in Renton, Washington:

This is an easy and refreshing dressing for a green salad. You could also use it for inclusion in a tostada creation.

Makes about a cup and a half of dressing.

1.5 cups fresh cilantro leaves
Juice of one lime
1 cup low fat sour cream
3 Tbsp. low fat milk
Salt & pepper to taste

Put all ingredients in a small blender or processor and buzz until well blended. Scrape the sides as needed to ensure all the cilantro gets evenly buzzed into the dressing. Add a little more milk if it's too thick.

Store in an airtight jar in the refrigerator.

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